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Review of the 10th Macao International Innovation and Invention Exhibition

Review of the 10th Macao International Innovation and Invention Exhibition

2019 National Invention Exhibition

2019 National Invention Exhibition

2018 Hong Kong International Student Innovation and Invention Competition

2018 Hong Kong International Student Innovation and Invention Competition

2015 5th "Celebrating the Return. Rising to the Sky---Australian Students Paper ...

2015 5th "Celebrating the Return. Rising to the Sky---Australian Students Paper Airplanes" Competition" and the 1st "Cross-Strait and Four-Region Student Paper Airplane Competition"

The 13th Shanghai Youth "Tomorrow Technology Star" selection event is open to Sh...

The 13th Shanghai Youth "Tomorrow Technology Star" selection activity Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macau ...

Video of Macao Invention Association Macao International Innovation and Inventio...

Video of Macao Invention Association Macao International Innovation and Invention Exhibition

Photo of 2019 Macao International Innovation and Invention Exhibition

Photo of 2019 Macao International Innovation and Invention Exhibition

2020 Macao International Innovation and Invention Exhibition Gallery

Member of the Administrative Committee of Macau Foundation Lai Zhenqiang (6th from left) and Sun Jia...

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