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Preschool Innovative Education Branch Annual Meeting and Children's Innovative Education Forum

Release Time:2023.01.09


      From August 8th to 11th, hosted by the China Invention Association and hosted by the China Invention Association Preschool Innovative Education Branch, the Annual Meeting of the Preschool Innovative Education Branch of the China Invention Association and the Children’s Innovative Education Forum It was successfully held in Beijing China Soong Ching Ling Youth Science and Technology Cultural Exchange Center. Gu Xiulian, Vice Chairman of the Tenth National People's Congress, Yu Huarong, Secretary of the Party Committee, Standing Director and Secretary General of the China Association of Inventions, Professor Cheng Huai, President of the Preschool Innovative Education Branch of the China Invention Association, and other leaders attended the event. He Zhongliang, Vice President of the Macau Innovation and Invention Association was invited to attend the annual meeting and forum with nearly a thousand member representatives, kindergarten principals, and special-grade teacher representatives from more than ten provinces including Beijing and Jiangsu.        In her speech, Gu Xiulian praised the gratifying achievements of the Preschool Innovative Education Branch of China Invention Association since its establishment, and hoped that it will inherit the past and usher in the future “do good things well”.         Cheng Huai said in his speech that in the future, in line with the concept of raising the banner, recruiting talents, gathering resources, and doing good things, he looks forward to more outstanding preschool innovative education achievements, which will continue to emerge and become globalized In the wave of innovative education, China's strength and wisdom are brought together, so that modern preschool innovative education with Chinese characteristics and world-class standards can benefit children and go to the world.       At the annual meeting, ten representatives who made outstanding contributions in the field of pre-school innovative education were awarded the title of “ 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China Outstanding Educational Innovation Person” ”The children with the title proposed to designate August 8th as “International Children's Invention Day”. At the education forum, a number of well-known experts and scholars in the field of education and psychology were arranged to give keynote speeches, and they made very profound and wonderful speeches on topics such as the core literacy and creativity of students' development, the significance of creativity cultivation in the era of artificial intelligence, and the brain mechanism of creativity. The report has expanded the thinking of preschool innovative educators and strengthened their confidence in in-depth exploration.              During the meeting, He Zhongliang reported to Yu Huarong that under the initiative of the chairman of the association, Li Baiqiang, he is working with Zhongshan Invention Association to establish “ Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Innovation and Invention Association&rdquo ;, and plans to hold the inauguration ceremony at the “The Seventh Macao International Innovation and Invention Exhibition” held in the Venetian Cotai Convention and Exhibition Hall in mid-October, and invite Yu Huarong to come to Macao to attend relevant activities .

He Zhongliang and Yu Huarong (left) took a photo at the meeting.


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