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Macau Innovation and Invention Association was awarded the outstanding organizing unit of the 2023 National Science Popularization Day

Release Time:2024.01.16

       A few days ago, the General Office of the China Association for Science and Technology issued the "About 2023 National Science Popularization Day Relevant Organizational Units and Activities" "Notice of Commendation", a total of 1,465 institutions across the country were rated as outstanding organizing units of National Science Popularization Day 2023, and 1,749 activities were rated as outstanding activities of National Science Popularization Day 2023. A total of three units and five activities of the Macao SAR were on the list, and the Macao Innovation and Invention Association was awarded one of the outstanding organizational units.        Lai Pak-keung, president of the association, said that since its establishment 20 years ago, they have actively organized Macao students, individuals and enterprises to participate in innovation and invention competitions and exchange activities across the Taiwan Strait and around the world. The activities they have organized include: : Solar energy cooker competition, paper airplane competition, Macao International Innovation and Invention Exhibition, etc. are also very popular. At the same time, they have organized and participated in invention exhibitions, science popularization exchange activities, innovation and technology forums around the world, etc., and there will be more than 20 in 2023 alone. So many activities. Over the past twenty years, the cumulative number of participants in the activities organized by the club has exceeded 10,000.         Based on years of participation in activities and exchanges across the Taiwan Strait and around the world, it has successfully built an innovation and invention platform between Macao and the world, and has been connected with the interaction and sharing of innovation and inventions by international youths and enterprises.        This year, in order to warmly celebrate the fifth anniversary of the promulgation of the "Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the association, the Paper Plane Competition, which has been suspended for four years due to the epidemic, will continue to be held and will The competition was moved to Foshan City in the Greater Bay Area, targeting students from universities, secondary schools and primary schools in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. At the same time, the 12th Macau International Innovation and Invention Exhibition will be held at the Macau Convention and Exhibition Center at the end of October. Li Baiqiang said that the honor of being awarded the outstanding organizing unit of the National Science Popularization Day 2023 is due to the Macao Liaison Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, relevant government departments, various social enthusiasts, associations, the association’s supervisors and members who have long-term and strong support for the association’s work. , and I am very grateful to the Macau Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology for its strong recommendation this time.

       The General Office of the China Association for Science and Technology issued the "Notice on Praising Relevant Organizational Units and Activities of National Science Popularization Day in 2023"



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