Carry out scientific and technological innovation activities

Cultivate future innovative talents

> About Us > Constitution



The first —— Chinese name is: “Macao Innovation and Invention Association”.

The second —— English name is: “Macao Innovation and Invention Association”.


Article 3——The meeting place of this association is located at No. 1B, Vendez Street, On Fai Building B, 8th floor. With the resolution of the board of directors, the venue of the association can be moved to any place in Macao.


Article 4——The purpose of this association is:

1. Committed to promoting, promoting, encouraging, advocating and assisting innovation and invention in any field in Macao, promoting the awareness of the society attaching importance to innovation and invention, and protecting the patent rights of inventors. Popularize scientific knowledge, carry out science and technology education activities for young people, and develop resources for the development of science and technology;

2. Develop and participate in cultural, academic and social goals in Macao and other places Cooperation and exchange of activity groups, holding seminars and exhibitions to provide mutual benefits for both members;

3. Guide members to apply for patent rights, assist members to commercialize patented products Publish patent books and periodicals for inventions /, introduce the latest information and technological information;

4. Promote the stability, prosperity and economic development of Macao society;

5. Safeguard the legitimate and legitimate rights and interests of members;

6. The association is a non-profit organization.

Qualifications to become a member

Article 5——all legal residents of Macau, regardless of nationality, gender and age, Anyone who has an invention patent or is interested in innovation and invention can apply for membership.

Members' rights and obligations

Article 6——Members' rights:

1. Attend the general meeting of the Association;

2. Have the right to vote, vote and be elected;

3. Participate in All activities organized by the Association;

4. Enjoy member benefits.

Article 7——Obligations of members:

1. Comply with the constitution and resolutions of the association;

< p class="CxSpMiddle">2. Provide correct contact information to the Association (information confidential).

Execution of the Articles of Association

Article 8——Any violation of the articles of association and the resolutions of the general meeting, or detrimental to this For those who are interested in the meeting, the Council may do the following:

1. Advice;

2. Written warning;

3. To be held accountable.

Plenary General Assembly

Article 9——The General Assembly is the highest power structure of the Association and is held once a year, at least ten times in advance Notification by registered mail or signature. The date, time, place and agenda of the meeting shall be stated in the notice. Under special circumstances, a general meeting may also be convened upon the signature of more than half of the council members or one-fifth of the members. If the number of people is less than half, the meeting should be postponed for one hour. At that time, regardless of the number of people, the meeting will be held as scheduled, and the resolution will be valid with the absolute majority of the participants. The general meeting shall have one chairman and no less than three vice-chairmen, who shall be democratically elected by the general meeting for a term of three years and may be re-elected.

Functions of the General Assembly

Article 10——Permissions of the General Assembly:

1. Review the annual report;

2. Amend the constitution;

3. Member of the Supervisory Board.


Article 11——The council consists of not less than three and the total number of members is always singular, and the term of office is three years. Elected by the general meeting of members, the council positions include one chairman, not less than three vice-chairmen, one secretary-general, one deputy secretary-general, one secretary and one treasurer, and several directors, who are elected by the members of the council. Re-elected.


1. According to the needs of the development of the conference business, the board of directors can set up different functional departments after the resolution of the board of directors, and the heads of each department and the managers of the ministries are elected from each other;

2 . Except for the chairman or the chairman, or authorized by the chairman or the chairman, no remarks and opinions shall be published in the name of the association;

3. The council shall be convened by the chairman according to the regulations.

Functions of the Council

Article 12——Functions of the Council:

1. Implement the resolutions of the general meeting;

2. Submit the annual work report and financial registration to the general meeting;

3. Hold a general meeting of members, and issue the agenda ten days before the meeting;

4. With the approval of the board of directors, the association can hire social celebrities and scholars to serve as the honorary president and honorary president of the association. Consultants and consultants, and issue letters of appointment.

Board of Supervisors

Article 13——The Board of Supervisors shall be composed of no less than three members and the total number of members shall always be singular members. To be elected, one chairman of the board of supervisors, one deputy chairman of the board of supervisors and several supervisors shall be elected by mutual election.

Functions of the Supervisory Board

Article 14——Functions of the Supervisory Board:

1. Supervise the operation of the council;

2. Review the work report, financial report and property of the council;

3. To prepare an annual report on its supervisory activities, and to perform other obligations set out in the law and charter;

4. The supervisory board may request the board to provide necessary or appropriate resources and methods to perform its duties .


Article 15——The activities and any funds organized by the Association, if necessary, shall be After the meeting is approved, it can be raised from members of the Association, social people, governments and organizations; the Association can also accept donations or donations without any conditions.


Article 16——emblem

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